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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Zooming In

With a Plugable digital microscope (250x magnification) and a computer, you can zoom in on the plant world to see details you can't see with the naked eye. The digital microscope is an inexpensive gateway to the miniature world, and can provide hours of nerdy fun for the curious. You can capture snapshots and videos to record your exploration. Here is a gallery of snapshots from recent projects (see Sex in the Garden for past projects).

Wood decomposers detail

Wood decomposers

Azalea petals

Azalea stigma and stamen

Brittlebush seed (Encelia farinose)

Anise seeds

Polypodium leaf

Polypodium underleaf spores

Toyon inflorescence

Toyon detail

Here is a video that shows a tiny insect travelling through azalea petals.

I am still experimenting with lighting and focusing, but am fascinated with getting such a close look at the plant world. What a treat to zoom in to see tiny decomposers, barbs on a brittlebush seed, polypodium fern spores, and a tiny insect!

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