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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Summer Details at Filoli

Can you feel it? The slight change in the air that indicates the seasons are changing. Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, the change from summer to fall is very subtle. But you can feel it in the morning and evening fog, and you can see it in the long afternoon shadows and the leaves changing from green to shades of brown. As for me, I’m hanging on to the late summer beauty as long as I can.
Glimpse of the Filoli Garden House through summer plantings
Bold summer border

Late summer beauty, like what my aunt and I experienced in our recent field trip to Filoli (see Filoli in Summer). The colorful borders. The beds of roses and dahlias. The shady allées of trees and bushes.
Rose garden. The roses are well cataloged and signed for easy identification
Dahlia garden. The dahlias are also cataloged and signed.
Shady olive orchard provides a Mediterranean feel

I’m also filing away some of the details for future garden ideas – the interesting signage, the cataloging of plants, and the use of containers to extend summer color for as long as possible.

Citrus tree

Row of containers on the stairs

Burgundy inflorescence

Interesting signage

Splash of purple

Containers add color

We have a month or two of summer heat ahead of us, but the shorter days are coming, and with them, incremental seasonal changes in nature. Luckily, my aunt and I can visit Filoli in any season to see something new, and we always have Fentons Creamery and Restaurant!

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