Welcome back to Field Notes!
September 1, 2024
We've entered a new month, and the weather app forecasts rain for the next 10 days here in Juneau, Alaska. Similar to weather in the San Francisco Bay Area, the weather in Southeast Alaska changes continually throughout the day. A hard rain in the morning might clear to misty rain in the afternoon, followed by patchy sun with a sunset by early evening. (As in the Bay Area, "if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes"). I'm now on Fall Watch, counting down to the autumnal equinox in several weeks and looking forward to glimpses of autumn in my last weeks in Juneau, Alaska.
With the start of September, we're fast approaching fall! |
September 3, 2024
While in Alaska, I have been watching the birds that visit our Bird Buddy feeder back in Oakland, California. My husband keeps the feeder full of seed, and repositions it periodically to view different parts of the yard. We both enjoy monitoring the birds that visit the feeder from our computers. A recent bird visitor seems to have a growth or parasite on its face. The Bird Buddy app enables you to report sick or injured birds, so we reported it. I'm not sure what they do with the information, but it could be good field information for future research. (I love seeing the pink flowers in bloom in the background)!
Is that a growth or a parasite right above the beak? |
September 5, 2024
Rainbow of promise! For all the rain that Juneau, Alaska receives, rainbows are relatively rare. This one was a happy surprise.
Rainbow over the Juneau International Airport and Mendenhall Valley |
September 7, 2024
Food Festival and Cruise Ship Spotting! Mom and I attended the Annual Food Festival & Farmers Market at Centennial Hall this afternoon. We enjoyed seeing the Edible Landscaping booth, lots of local jams and honey, art by local artists, and a display of homegrown root vegetables that looked delectable. We also enjoyed delicious Carne Asada tacos with all the toppings from the Azteca booth, washed down with Coca Cola. Later we walked along the wharf to see the cruise ships in port for the day.
The outdoor food court |
Can you spot the four cruise ships? (Click on the picture to expand it.) There is a fifth ship in the back that is out of sight. |
September 8, 2024
Outing to Eagle Beach and Eagle River! Mom and I took advantage of a break in the rain to drive out to Eagle Beach and Eagle River. This is one of my favorite places to hike and explore, and often has milder weather than elsewhere in Juneau. Views of the Chilkat Mountains and surroundings are spectacular. Today we saw many birds (eagles, sea gulls, ravens, and shorebirds), no doubt drawn to spawning salmon. See Eagle Beach Adventure, Eagle River and the Crab Feed, and Beautiful Juneau for related posts.
View of the majestic Chilkat Mountains from Eagle Beach |
A convention of hundreds of shore birds. (Click on the picture to expand it.) |
September 11, 2024
The weather app showed a partly sunny day today (preceding another 10 days of rain), so we packed a lunch, water, and binoculars, and hit the road. Our first stop was Amalga Harbor at around Mile 23 out the road. The tide was out, so we had a chance to walk on the tidal zone and enjoy the view. Next we stopped at the nearby Jensen-Olson Arboretum, strolled among the beautiful gardens and plantings, and soaked in views of the Chilkats.
Mom strides out on the beach trail at Amalga Harbor |
Enjoying the Jensen-Olson Arboretum with Mom |
September 13, 2024
Summer blooms in Juneau, Alaska are long gone, but I'm still enjoying the pressed version of several flowers. These specimens have the quality of "straw flowers", and are very delicate. The pressed version triggers happy memories of watching the summer bloom cycles in Juneau, Alaska!
Left to right: Ladies' Mantle, Astilbe (maroon), Astilbe (pink), and Astilbe (white) |
September 15, 2024
The sun broke through yesterday revealing blue skies and puffy white clouds! Mom and I headed for an afternoon musical performance at the Alaska State Museum (pieces from Mendelssohn, Schumann, and Brahms, played on piano and clarinet by local musicians, William Todd Hunt and Douglas Smith). Afterwards, we walked downtown to see two cruise ships in port (the tourist season is coming to an end).
Alaska State Museum in Juneau, Alaska |
Concert in the Atrium |
Cruise ship spotting with Mom |
September 18, 2024
On the way to Amalga Harbor last week, we drove by the Peterson Salt Chuck. A "chuck" refers to a salt lake that fills at high tide and empties at low tide. Since we were at Amalga Harbor at low tide, I'm wondering if this chuck actually drains.
Peterson salt chuck |
September 21, 2024 🍂
Tomorrow is the first day of autumn! We've been feeling and seeing the change for the last several weeks (shorter days, crisper nights, and more red and gold leaves are appearing on trees and shrubs). Time for heavy sweaters, hot chocolate, space heaters and inside projects. Today is a No Ships Day, meaning no major cruise ships are in port. The tourist season will soon be coming to an end for the year.
September 24, 2024
Neon Apocalypse! My brother, mom, and I attended the Wearable Art Extravaganza here in Juneau, Alaska over the weekend. The event was hosted by the Juneau Arts and Humanities Council, and has been an annual tradition and Council fund raiser for over 20 years. We braved a fierce rain storm to enjoy dinner at Mar y Sol (delicious Mexican food), and the fashion show at Centennial Hall. From our runway-side table, we had a wonderful view of the fabulous costumes and visions for the future. What a fantastic evening - special thanks to my brother, Dave!
Neon Apocalypse runway entrance |
First Contact (Artist/Model: Michelle Morris) |
September 27, 2024
Mom and I took advantage of "partly cloudy" weather ("partly sunny" for the optimist) to visit the Shrine of Saint Therese, 22 miles north of Juneau, Alaska. The shrine is located on a small island in a group of majestic spruce trees, with views across Favorite Channel. The grounds include trails, a labyrinth, gardens, and a nearby outdoor columbarium. This is a wonderful, peaceful place to visit, meditate, and reflect.
Shrine of St. Therese in a cathedral of trees |
The Labyrinth |
September 29, 2024
Tomorrow I'm flying back to Oakland, CA, after an extended three-and-a-half month stay in Juneau, Alaska. I'm looking forward to seeing my husband, son, Aunt Char, friends, and Dakota the Husky, as well as my home and newly planted garden (I've been watching it grow vicariously through the Bird Buddy). I've enjoyed being in Alaska with my family of origin and working together through major transitions to new seasons of life. It's been an added pleasure to experience three seasons and the bounty of so much rain!
Alaska Airlines on the tarmac in Juneau, Alaska |