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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Cruise Ship Spotting

During a sunny spell in late August, Mom and I took a drive out Thane Road in Juneau, Alaska. The road is south of town, about five miles long, and rich with gold rush history. The road is sparsely populated (partly due to the high risk of avalanches in winter), and includes the trail head for the Sheep Creek hike (one of my favorites in youth). On this day, we had the opportunity to see the Majestic Princess cruise ship, heading toward the port of Juneau. During the busy tourist season, there can be as many as five or six ships in port.

Majestic Princess

We also had a good view of the Goldbelt Tram terminal high above us on Mount Roberts. It's been a while since we rode the tram (see Tram Adventure), but it is a great experience. You can ride to the top, explore the trails and  views, and then either hike down to the trailhead on Basin Road or ride the tram to return to downtown Juneau.

Goldbelt Tram terminal, high on Mount Roberts

Viewing the tram terminal from sea level

Mom and I made this drive in late August, but we could already see signs of autumn. The flowers of these wild celery plants were drying out and going to seed. It was a reminder that the weather would soon be transitioning to fall, but a fact that was easy to ignore with the beauty of the summer day.

Wild celery (Angelica lucida)

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Fall Watch

It's still summer here in Southeast Alaska - the days are long (but getting shorter), and the weather is the usual mix of misty, rainy days that are punctuated with high clouds and brief glimpses of the sun. Around the edges are early signs of fall. Squirrels and birds are stashing nuts and cones and berries. A few leaves are starting to turn red or gold and others just look spent. The lovely wild roses are producing their rose hips. The golden light of the early evening is one of my favorite indicators of fall.

Alaskan rosehips in golden evening light

I'm loving these last days of summer, but looking forward to autumnal equinox in just a few weeks.