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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Winter House

One wing of Ruth’s Folly is known as Winter House, a kind of greenhouse where the tenderest plants overwinter. The structure is typically covered with landscape cloth, but during the winter months it is covered with visqueen and warmed naturally by the sun and artificially by a heater.

Winter House from outside.
From the outside and backlit by the sun, Winter House looks a like an underwater aquarium or a science fiction movie set. But inside, it is cozy and inviting, with the morning sun streaming in through the windows.

Winter house from inside.
The two Ruths and I appreciated stepping out of the crisp morning air and into its warm interior before starting our tour of The Ruth Bancroft Garden. Several succulents were blooming, including a Euphorbia and several aloes.


After our tour, we ended up in Winter House, which also doubles as the gift store. The enclosure had become quite warm between the heater and the sun, and the Euphorbia blossoms were glistening with nectar. We enjoyed the heat, light, and fragrance while making our selections from the gift store (including bulbs from The Ruth Bancroft Garden private collection and breeding program).



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