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Wednesday, July 1, 2015


We played tourist during our stay in Juneau, Alaska, visiting many favorite places from childhood. Even our son has favorite places from his childhood—flying to Alaska alone to spend a couple of weeks with Grandma and Grandpa over summer vacation. We wanted to share these places with our beautiful daughter-in-law, and experience them anew with our extended family. Being summer, this meant mingling with lots of tourists, or T-people, as we call them. Sometimes it is beneficial to revisit the familiar, with the fresh eyes of a tourist.

Mendenhall Glacier, about 12 miles "out the road" from downtown Juneau

The Mendenhall Glacier is a favorite place to visit. The glacier has been receding over the last 200 years, and our family has had the opportunity to watch the process for the last 60. We have seen the area develop from bare gravel to forest through succession, paradoxically both a slow and fast process. The Visitor Center now seems impossibly far from the glacier, but the trails and overlooks provide new places to view the glacier. The lakes, plants, and wild life in the area provide additional interest.

Multi-generation motley crew
We visited the dock out at Auke Bay, and strolled through the marina. I remember when it was a much smaller wooden dock. We launched our boat from here many times in our youth, and explored the many beaches, sloughs, and coves along the rugged coast. More recently, we have taken whale watching cruises in this area, and viewed these magnificent creatures up close.

Modern steel dock at the Auke Bay marina
Downtown Juneau is also a favorite place, especially between cruise ships (which is rare in the summer). With several cruise ships in town at once, the population can swell by 10,000 people. Visitors are always welcome, but do pose a logistical challenge for the tiny state capitol!
View from the Alaska State Library while waiting out the rain

Shops and tram in downtown Juneau
Rain adds to the challenge, but Juneau boasts many eateries, candy factories, and coffee shops that can provide shelter during a downpour, as well as the museum, library, gift shops, and art galleries.

Quiet coffee break from shopping

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