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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Sex in the Garden

As mentioned in an earlier post, I plan to learn about plant propagation this year. I don’t have a specific course of study in mind, but want to learn more about plant reproductive morphology; how plants reproduce, both sexually and asexually; about their pollinators (that’s where the birds and the bees come in); and how to take advantage of this knowledge to grow plants. Basically - sex in the garden!
Digital microscope with azalea images displayed on a computer monitor

For Christmas, my husband gave me a digital microscope with 250x magnification from Plugable. Using the microscope, a USB connection, and a viewer running on my computer, I can zoom in on minuscule flower parts to see incredible detail, and then take pictures, movies, or time lapse sequences. For very little money, I can explore the micro world from the comfort of my own home and garden!

Azalea leaf and bud

Cutaway of an azalea flower bud

Developing petals and reproductive organs

The stigma, the tip of the pistil that receives pollen

Above are some of the close up shots I took of an azalea leaf and bud in January. I still need to hone my skills, like focusing and lighting the subject, but you can see the potential. This digital microscope will definitely be in my toolkit as I take on plant propagation this year!

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