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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Summer Fun!

Summer – long, warm days, summer fruit, travel, a good book, walks on the beach. One of the great betrayals of adulthood is no summer vacation! For most of us, life continues, regardless of the season. But I remember as a child the pure pleasure of anticipating three months of summer vacation stretching before us, with all its potential.

Outdoor office

Swimming in San  Ramon

Outdoor cooking

Garden harvest

I liked school well enough, but relished the change of pace of summer vacation. I looked forward to hours of reading, exploring the woods and tide flats, and playing baseball and badminton with the neighborhood kids (in Southeast Alaska, we could play late into the evening, in full daylight). I also loved our family camping trips into the interior of Alaska and Canada; the cross country road trips to Minnesota and Wisconsin; and the extended stays in hot and sunny Southern California with my grandparents.

Preserving - blueberry jam

Preserving - grated zucchini

Exploring uptown Oakland

Exploring the Northern Coast

Now, as an adult, I still look forward to the days of summer, even though work and responsibilities continue. Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, we take our activities outside. We live and cook on the patio, work in the garden, make jam with summer fruit, spend the afternoon reading or swimming, make local excursions or take long weekends, and enjoy time with family and friends. Possibly the time is even sweeter, knowing it is a rare commodity.

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