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Friday, January 27, 2017

Winter Movies 2017: The Martian

Our last winter movie is The Martian (2015), directed by Ridley Scott and screenplay by Drew Goddard, based on the book by Andy Weir. Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, and Krissten Wiig play the lead roles (but we know plants have the starring role)! In this movie, a team of scientist from earth is nearing the end of a multiple-year mission to mars. The crew consists of various scientists, including a botanist, Mark Watney, played by Matt Damon. Their mission is cut short by a mega storm that threatens their lives and planned departure date. They leave hastily, just as the storm hits, leaving behind one member of their crew, Watney, thinking he died in the storm. They begin the long journey back to earth.

Watney regains consciousness once the storm has passed. He is wounded, but very much alive (his suit’s ability to transmit his vital signs had been damaged). He patches up his wounds and assesses his situation, realizing the crew has left the planet. Using his scientific skills, he analyzes how to extend his survival until the next mission arrives based on the food and materials left behind. He repairs what he can, plants a potato garden for food, and reestablishes communications with earth, all to the sounds of a lively disco sound track that was left behind by one of his crew members. Watney is on track to survive, until a series of events jeopardizes his food supply and fragile existence. However, his chances for survival increase once his crew members and the world realize he is alive.

I enjoyed the film’s interesting story line, appealing characters, and crew comradery (evident even after living in close quarters for a long mission). I appreciated Watney’s cool, scientific approach to his situation, and his adaptability and ingenuity using available materials. Best of all I enjoyed his potato garden project—creating a greenhouse, emulating sunlight, distilling moisture from the atmosphere, enriching the native soil, and monitoring plant growth. Take a look at the trailer: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3659388/

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