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Wednesday, October 27, 2021

California Scrub Jay

Join me in the yard to watch more of our avian friends. This time we’re observing the  California scrub jays that gather around the water dishes (with the occasional squirrel).

California scrub jays (Aphelocoma californica) are members of the crow or Corvidae  family. They are native to western North America, ranging from southern British Columbia, throughout California, west to the Sierra Nevadas, and south to Baja. They are in shades of blue and gray with no head crest, distinguishing them from species like the Steller Jay (Cyanocitta stelleri), which sport a head crest.

Scrub jays have moxie. They announce their intention to visit the water dish with lots of loud, brash squawking from a nearby tree or bush. Then, they frequently squawk all the way through their bath. The best defense may be a good offense.

Scrub Jays are loud, but you’ll see that they do share with other birds and critters. Enjoy time with our local wildlife.


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