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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Back to Work in San Ramon

For the last month, I've been working in the office two days a week, and working in my home office three days a week. The commute to San Ramon is still lighter than it was two and a half years ago, and only a handful of folks come to the office on my chosen days. This makes for a gentle "re-entry" into the more rigorous schedule of yore. I'm sure this will change over time, even with the new flexible schedules that many major corporations are offering.

Lunch by the lake

In the meantime, it's been fun to reconnect with friends and colleagues that I haven’t seen for a couple of years, and to see a few new faces. I have also visited some of my favorite places in the business complex, such as the library, cafeteria, and cat walk (with its 360 degree views), and resumed my afternoon walks around the lake and grounds. Everything is beautifully landscaped and maintained as always, and so far the temperature has been surprisingly comfortable, even though San Ramon is typically 10 degrees hotter than Oakland.

Lounge (and work?) by the lake

Despite losing work time for commute time, I'm enjoying getting out of the house and broadening my horizons again. And I'm enjoying the changes that expand the parameters of where and when you can work. Wi-fi has been extended at the office, so you can work anywhere it reaches. Hmm ... I wonder if it extends out to the lounge chairs in that shady spot under the willows by the lake!

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