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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Summer in Alaska

There us nothing sweeter than summer in Alaska! The days are long - the sun starts to rise around 3:30 AM and sets around 10:30 PM, with long stretches of twilight during the process. When it is sunny, folks drop their ordinary plans and schedules and get outside to enjoy the long days. A week-long stretch of sunshine means non-stop gardening, hiking, boating, and exploring (sometimes a day or two of rain are welcome after that)!

View down channel from the front porch (Chilkat range in the distance)

I've been enjoying the big sky and grand view down Gastineau Channel, from the front porch and big windows in the house that Mom and Dad built. I've also been enjoying working in the yard to weed and clip the foliage. It's a great excuse to be out in nature and soak in a little Vitamin D.

The house that Mom and Dad built

The growing season for flowers is pretty short here in Southeast Alaska. Flowers come fast and furious, as they go through their reproductive cycles. Currently a drift of yellow Day Lilies and a swath of Alaska Daisies are putting on a show in the side yard.

A swath of Alaska Daisies in the side yard

There is nothing sweeter than summer in Alaska! Seeing the summer beauty reminds me Robert Service's description of summer in the Yukon, in The Spell of the Yukon:

The summer—no sweeter was ever;

   The sunshiny woods all athrill;

The grayling asleep in the river,

   The bighorn asleep on the hill.

The strong life that never knows harness;

   The wilds where the caribou call;

The freshness, the freedom, the farness—

   O God! how I’m stuck on it all.

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