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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Field Notes for August

 Welcome back to Field Notes!

August 1, 2024

New July Rainfall Recorded! Juneau, Alaska received a total of 10.64 inches of rain in July, according to Mark Sabbatini in the July 27 Juneau Empire, with four days remaining to finish the month. This broke the previous record set in 1917 when a total of 10.5 inches was recorded for the full month of July. Compare with Oakland, California, where the average annual rainfall is 22.61 inches and the average for July is 0.07 inches. I'm enjoying my time in damp, drizzly Juneau, but appreciate the brief interludes of sun!

A brief glimpse of the sun after lots of rain

August 3, 2024

A neighborhood visitor. This well-fed cat sometimes camps out on my parent's front porch for a few hours. It is a good place to view scenery, scan for small rodents, and take a short snooze.

A quick snooze on the front porch

August 6, 2024  🎂

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband! We're celebrating remotely this year, but will have a suitable bash when I return to the San Francisco Bay Area.

Black Forest Cake in 2018

August 9, 2024

Heat wave in Southeast Alaska! We've been in the midst of a heat wave all week, with temperatures in the high 70's and low 80's. The break in rain is a welcome change, and produces especially vivid sunsets. Today, the weather is turning, and the temperatures should be much cooler in the days ahead!

Sunset over the Chilkats at 9:39 PM

August 11, 2024

Sibling reunion! It's been six years since my siblings and I have been together (COVID took up a big chunk of that time as well as some family health care issues). Phone calls, Zoom gatherings, and lots of text messages filled the gap, but now we're all together and catching up! Lots of fond memories of our years growing up in Alaska, and of many gatherings over the years!

Sibling fun in Juneau, Alaska

August 14, 2024

More pressed flowers! Most of the summer flowers have finished their bloom cycles, but I can still enjoy them in their pressed form. My equipment is basic - two pieces of cardboard, brown paper shopping bags, and a heavy pile of books. These flowers are a little thicker than the previous batch, and took a little longer to dry sufficiently. I may need to work on my technique, but the results are still lovely.

Clockwise from upper left: Garden Loosestrife, Foxglove, Fireweed, and Iris

August 17, 2024

It's only mid-August, but you can definitely feel that fall is just around the corner here in Southeast Alaska. The temperatures are still comfortable, from 65 - 80 degrees F. high to 48 - 50 degrees low. The days are still long, but definitely getting shorter (no more full daylight at 11 PM at night)! I'm loving the misty days and dramatic skies.

Dramatic sky during the evening walk

August 19, 2024

How many pictures of sunsets does one need? Apparently a lot, because I keep experiencing amazing sunsets here in Southeast Alaska and keep taking pictures of them! Love the shades of orange and raspberry.

August 21, 2024

Today we say goodbye to my sister who is heading back to Oregon. It has been a treat to have all three siblings together for a couple of weeks. We've eaten meals together, worked on projects, hiked, and enjoyed each other's company.

Remembering a drizzly hike out at the Mendenhall Glacier

August 25, 2024

It rained all night long here in Juneau, Alaska, and the forecast shows 10 days of rain ahead. I'm not complaining - rain is the music of my childhood! In my youth, we never let a little rain slow us down. We hiked, shopped, and went to school and work in the rain (or whatever seasonal form it took). We always had a warm, comfortable home waiting for us at day's end. Since I've lived in dry, California for several decades, I appreciate the rain even more!

A very rainy evening

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