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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Andreas Oasis

Palm Springs is an oasis, surrounded by desert and beautiful mountains. I love its slick modern architecture, its shops and art galleries, and its glamorous past. Palm Springs is also close to another sort of oasis. Several miles away from the town center are the palm canyons of the Agua Caliente Indian Reservation.

The mountains, windmills, and palm-lined highway near Palm Springs, California
The super hip Tramway Gas Station, designed by Albert Frey and Robson Chambers. It is now the Palm Springs Visitor Center.

Ancestors of the Agua Caliente Cahuilla people settled in the Indian Canyons area, developing communities in the Palm, Murray, Andreas, Tahquitz, and Chino canyons. These palm canyons have an abundance of water, and team with plant and animal life. The California Fan Palm provides shade and shelter. Today, you can visit these sites for outdoor recreation.

Picnic under the California Fan Palms
We headed for Andreas Canyon recreation area for our lunch. The air was warm, but comfortable, under the palms, with Andreas Creek a few feet away. We spread out our  lunch on the picnic table, feeling like we were in an oasis in the Middle East. In fact, we met two expatriate Iranians on vacation from Los Angeles and their nephew, who were intrigued that my folks live in Alaska. It seemed perfectly natural for people worlds apart to meet in the cool of an oasis to exchange stories and news.

Andreas Creek
Later my parents and I hiked up the trail that follows Andreas Creek, sometimes right by the water, other times pulling away and into the rock formations on higher ground. We lingered for a while listening to the birds and watching lizards sun themselves on the warm rocks. The Yerba Santa was fragrant in the sun.

Yerba Santa
The trail had changed from last year – a chain linked fence now shortens the loop, blocking access to property owned by the Andreas Canyon Club, established in 1923. The trail still provides access to higher ground from which to survey the oasis below.

Intrepid hiker enjoying a shady break
California Fan Palms line Andreas Creek
After our hike, we dusted ourselves off and headed to Palm Springs for delicious Mexican food at Maracas Restaurant. Palm Springs was also teaming with life – everyone eager for dinner and evening entertainment. After dinner, we mingled with the crowd, and enjoyed the warm evening and sights of downtown Palm Springs.

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