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Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fall Fun

We're just a few weeks into fall and the changes are dramatic. The days are much shorter, with the sun rising later and setting earlier. We still have stretches of hot weather here in the Bay Area that can hit 90 or 100 degrees during the day, but the temperature typically cools off quickly when the sun sets. To the astute, the signs of fall are everywhere. Some leaves actually turn red (or brown), some trees drop their leaves, we've even had rain. Some plants and shrubs are still blooming, like Crepe Myrtle, roses, and hydrangea, but that is winding down. The sunsets can be spectacular, especially if fires are burning somewhere.

Enjoy these photos that celebrate the beauty and feel of fall!

My Example
Bishop Ranch

Fall sunsets

Raven by Jason Quisenberry

Fall leaves among the plantings

Festive fall food

Fall color at San Ramon pool

Turning to red vines

Leaves in fall light

Rambling in San Francisco

Rambling in Bishop Ranch

Enjoy the shorter days (less time to toil in the garden), the chance to explore familiar places in a new season, or hunker down to enjoy the inside projects you've neglected for a few months. The holidays are a couple of months away  you could get started on a little planning and organizing. Or you could just curl up with a good book or movie, and tackle that in a few weeks.

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