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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Wood Chips Under the Oak

More wood chips! This time we're focusing attention on the area under the big oak tree. Over the years the soil has become compacted under the tree, and some its roots are growing above ground. The area is covered with a lovely green moss during the wet winter months (but is typically brown and dry the rest of the year). Our arborist recommended that a covering of wood chips would help with soil restoration.

More wood chips from BeeGreen

I ordered seven cubic yards from BeeGreen, which is quite a pile of wood chips (my previous order was five cubic yards). Luckily I had help moving all that material to the yard under the oak tree! The wood chips will help conserve moisture in the soil, as we transition to the dry summer and fall season. The chips will also break down over time, decomposing into the soil.

New wood chips under the oak in the background (older chips in the foreground)

I'm hoping for another winter rain to "water in" the new chips (maybe next week). I'm also hoping the squirrels will be able to find their acorn stashes from last fall, now that their usual landmarks are covered. From experience, I know that the birds continue to visit the bird baths and feed on insects, even with the wood chip cover. I'm sure the squirrels will adapt as well.

Wood chips in the fore- and background (a band of mossy green remains)

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