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Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What's Blooming in March?

Spring is officially here, and the San Francisco Bay Area is in full bloom. Lots of rain in January, a balmy February, and more rain in early March have conspired to create a floral masterpiece. Our yard is alive with an assortment of little brown birds, humming birds, bees, butterflies, and squirrels. All of these pollinators are at work in their unique ways.

Pyrus calleryana with white blossoms

In early March, the Pyrus calleryana (ornamental pear) bloomed in a snow flurry of white petals, along with a succession of Magnolia soulange (tulip trees) with their velvety pink and cream petals. Muscari continued blooming from February into March in a lovely progression of purple blossoms.

Blossom from Magnolia soulange

The Ceanothus that I glimpsed from Highway 580 in February, came into full bloom in March. I love how those non-descript freeway shrubs become a mass of deep purple in the spring. Ceanothus is a California native.

The freeways have been golden with Brassica nigra (mustard) and Genista monspessulana (French broom). Neither are native and both are very invasive. They get a brief aesthetic pass for their lacy blooms (but then should be rooted out before they go to seed)!

Field of Brassica nigra

Communities of Eschscholzia californica (California poppy) are also blooming with their cheerful "cup of gold" petals. I spotted planters full of Strelitzia reginae (Bird of Paradise), and Lavandula officinalis (lavender) out in Dublin. The tulips at Mountain View Cemetery put on their spectacular show in Oakland.

This is just a snapshot of what is blooming in March here in the Bay Area. Thanks to El Niño, this is prime time for flower watching. Let me know what is blooming where you are, whether here in the Bay Area, or further afield!

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